ML - realize it

The most precious thing that we have in hand is Life, we have the potential not only to change our lives but others too. It just differs from person to person whether we change it positively or not. Every act in one's life will have an impact on others' lives too. Things in life always won't happen like how we want them to happen, but still, there are many possibilities for us to keep it on track. Many of us don't realize how beautiful each of our lives is. We complain more than we appreciate if you go to see and compare your life with others' you will be blessed more than them in some way or the other, but we wouldn't have realized it as a blessing. But mostly, we complain that we are something lesser than the other, in contrast with how we realize and accept the good that has happened to us. Even if nothing seems to happen right, be positive, and give yourself the courage that everything in life happens for a reason and keep moving forward. Ignoring negativity is the first step to realize the magic in our lives. Inducing a positive attitude to every happening is the second step and the final one is just live life.  Life is Magical - realize it


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