EHR - believe it

Every moment, every single instance in life has a purpose. Our life has so many happenings each day. We take some as good and some as misfortune. Maybe it will appear bad sometimes because we would have expected something else to happen but it wouldn't have, so we take it as a sad or mishappening. But that is not actually what it is. May it be a tough time, may it be a heart break, may it be losing someone, may it be the college you wanted to study, may it be your career choice, may it be anything that you wanted,  may it be a small/ big happening, if you believe all of that happened for good, then for sure something good will be in stock behind all that happened, but only if you believe. We don't realize how powerful our thoughts are, they are powerful enough to change our life's happenings. Misfortune may happen, but we can change that misfortune as our fortune, just with the power of our positive thoughts. When you decide you want a good life, the universe will help and move things in your favor, but only until you decide. People you need will appear, healing you need will happen, strength and courage you need will be given, life will transform beautifully, but not until you believe. Everything Happens for a Reason - believe it


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